

A Method for Detecting Fabrics

time:2017-09-04 author: click:1958

Will be nano-class cool elements added to the fiber raw materials, enhance the fiber's thermal conductivity. With the touch of cold feeling fiber production of the fabric, in contact with the skin, you can feel comfortable cool feeling.

Cold sense of value can be universal instrument test and verification, the Japanese company's KES-F7 precision instantaneous thermophysical tester || contact with cold and warm test instrument can be used for cool performance test, the principle is mainly fabric instant cool test test, the fabric placed On the cold plate of the instrument, when the fabric temperature and the cold plate are the same, the hot plate is quickly placed on the sample. The heat of the hot plate passes through the fabric to the cold plate, and the maximum heat loss , This value is the Qmax value, the unit instantaneous cool heat flow (W / cm2) to express.

The Q-max value is the maximum value of the instantaneous heat loss of the skin when the human body contacts the fabric. It is also the maximum heat flux that can be taken away from the instantaneous area of the fabric. This value is the indicator of the instantaneous coolness performance of the fabric, expressed in W / cm2 , The larger the Q-max value represents the more heat that can be taken away.

Wax fabric fabric sense of light Q-max value ≥ 0.17, different organizations, fabric, cool sense of the effect of difference, our part of the fabric Q-max value can be as high as 0.3 or more.