

Development of Cotton Fiber and Cotton Fiber Blended Yarn

time:2017-08-05 author: click:1643


With the development of science and technology, new textile fibers continue to emerge, the application of a variety of new textile fiber production fashion, high-grade textiles more and more people of all ages. My company for market demand, increase the intensity of new product development, and successfully produce high-quality milk fiber and cotton fiber blended yarn, for enterprises to create a good economic benefits. Now milk fiber and combed cotton 65 / 35147ex Kun spinning as an example to introduce the following.

1 raw material properties and optional milk fiber is made of milk protein fiber. Milk fiber texture and cashmere is very similar to the use of milk fiber instead of cashmere to produce high-grade textiles; while cashmere is expensive natural textile fibers, and milk fiber prices lower than cashmere, so you can further reduce costs The

Milk fiber with a sense of creamy, soft, strong skin-friendly, breathable, moisture absorption, moisture conductivity and other characteristics; silk luster, cashmere-like texture; high strength, wear, corrosion resistance, drape good; milk protein Contains more than 10 kinds of amino acids, the skin has a special role in conservation. Milk fiber and cotton fiber blended, can improve the fabric's softness and skin-friendly, plus fabric drape and gloss. Milk fiber and cotton fiber warmth is basically the same, so the moisture absorption and permeability will not change, can enhance the grade of the product. Milk fiber and cotton fiber physical indicators in Table 1 Table 1 Milk fiber and cotton fiber physical indicators Project length Length Average length Fineness Breaking strength Elongation at break Moisture ratio Blend ratio Milk fiber Cotton fiber 2 Spinning program to determine the comb Sliver, cotton fiber made of brittleness, and then two kinds of slag in 1 and 4 due to the characteristics of 4 beef and cotton fiber cotton fiber, we are in the spinning of cotton slag for artificial mixing http://wwxki.net cotton textile technology A program in the carding process due to the poor chemical properties of milk fiber, cotton net easily broken sagging, resulting in stripes broken head, uneven weight, blending ratio is difficult to control, reducing production efficiency. In order to solve this problem, in the open cotton process on the proportion of milk fiber spray chemical agents, bored with 24 1 after use to improve the cohesion between the fibers; and reduce the tension of the cotton net, reducing the speed of Daofu. After taking the above measures, basically solved the milk fiber cotton broken edge sagging problem, but there are still due to the proportion of improper preparation of pharmaceuticals, spray uneven, sponge placed too long, leaving the milk fiber cohesion fluctuations , Resulting in broken cotton net, production quality is not stable.

The second program will be cotton fiber open, impurity, comb made into combs, the torn to about 10m long, and then with the proportion of milk fiber artificial cotton. Practice has proved that although this process is longer, but the two fibers mixed with the spinning performance is good, the former spinning process production quality and stability, good quality yarn, so we use this program for production.

A) Type 36 A type of open-type cotton A> Type A) Type 36 A-type six-roll open machine A> 36B-type porcupine open machine> A) 36C-type comb needle open A19A-type double-cotton box cotton machine a> A) 76C-type single-hand into a roll machine> A186D-type card A> FA304-type pre-drawn machine a> A91B-type roll machine milk fiber and comb A) Type A) Type A) Type A) Type A) Type A) Type A) Type A (A) and A272FM drawing machine (two) a> A456C roving machine a> eight 513 堙 spinning machine a> EpeoM-type winder into a package 4 the process configuration and the main technical measures 41 Open cotton open cotton process to carry out lightly, more comb, less down the principle of the process. Milk fiber does not contain impurities, only a small amount of silk, combed sliver in the impurities are few, in order to reduce fiber damage and excessive impact on the production of neps, asked to skip the A334 six roller open machine and to reduce the cotton Rate, increase the rate of production. Due to milk fiber cohesion is poor, should be appropriate to increase the quantitative volume of the lap; in A) 76C singles hand roll machine to increase the number of rovings used to prevent the volume, so that open cotton lap in the card when the roll is not loose, No sticky roll. Milk fiber and combed cotton lap volume of 360g / m4 2 carding process using cotton spinning technology, reduce the speed of the cylinder and tattoo, cotton plate raised 3mm to reduce fiber damage, reduce the rate of short fiber The Narrow the cylinder to the front of the upper plate on the mouth of the gap, in order to reduce the cover flower, the use of spinning fiber with a small leak at the end of the car after the reduction of cotton. In order to reduce the sliver breakage, the birth weight is heavily controlled.

Card to maintain a good mechanical condition, so that "four feng a quasi" to ensure that the separation of the ministries accurately. Card technology configuration: raw dots r / mn doffer speed 20r / mn cover plate speed 81 / mn Xilin tuck speed ratio 2 and two parallel use to ensure that the fiber fully mixed to improve the fiber straight parallel degree. Roller state to be good, pressurized stability, rotation normal, to improve the level of dry and dry. And the process parameters are shown in Table 2 Table 2 and the process parameters of the project and the amount of dry and the amount of parallel / root roller width of the total draw ratio / times the posterior draw ratio / times again and again 44 roving roving twist coefficient is too large Control, the use of rubber false twister, to improve the twisting efficiency, the use of smaller roving tension, to prevent the unexpected elongation of roving and produce details, deterioration of yarn quality. Using a smaller posterior draw ratio to improve the level of roving dry. Roving process parameters: dry volume 4 drafting ratio 7.778 times the posterior draw ratio of 1.18 times, twist 491 twist / 10m twist factor 108.1 front roller speed 188rmn 45 spun yarn fiber and combed cotton 65 / 35147ex blended yarn is a high-end products , The details of the yarn requirements are higher. In the spinning process to actively use knitted yarn "two big two small" process, improve the quality of yarn. In the A513F spinning frame in order to cooperate with the larger roving twist coefficient, the spindles are divided into a large gauge, Draft stretch times, the former area of small gauge, in order to reduce the details of yarn to meet the quality requirements of knitting yarn. Reasonable matching steel collar, bead ring, and timely replacement to reduce hairiness, so that the appearance of smooth yarn, cloth style is good. Spinning process parameters: roller center distance 43mmX 60mm total draw ratio of 33 82 times the posterior draw ratio of 1.16 times, twist 887 twist / 10m twist factor 340 before the roller speed 19946 winder in the winding process, to ensure smooth channel channel , No burr to reduce hairiness. Winding speed and tension must be low to master, otherwise it will deteriorate the quality of the tube. The yarn speed is controlled below 1000m / mn. Reasonable set of electricity clear threshold, remove harmful yarn defects, and to analyze the types of yarn defects and the reasons for the timely improvement of technology to solve the production management problems, improve the quality of cheese yarn. Milk fiber and combed cotton 65 / 35147ex blended yarn quality See Table 3 Table 3 Milk fiber and combed cotton 65/35 147ef Kun spinning tube yarn quality Spin weight Weight deviation Strong breaking strength Strip detail (50%) 5 Conclusion 147ex blended yarn production process, must be from the characteristics of milk fiber and cotton fiber to consider the process and determine the relevant process parameters. Carefully consider the mixing method of raw materials to improve the fiber spinning performance. In the open cotton and carding process should pay attention to reduce the blow and carding to reduce the cotton, reduce costs. In the spinning process, we must use knitting yarn process, reduce the details, improve the fine yarn dry level. Milk fiber and cotton fiber blended yarn woven fabric, unique style, cloth gloss, feel good, there are cashmere fabric texture, the skin has a special conservation role, which fully meet the consumer pursuit of natural, noble, health care The demand, has a broad market prospects.